Related Topics and Links:

Spreadsheet Module

Word Processing Module

Function Wizard - Formulas

Function Wizard - Data Sources

In both the spreadsheet module and word processing module for Synthesis Workbooks in Weibull++/ALTA, RGA and BlockSim, you can build functions that return results based on an analyzed folio or diagram.  

Note: To insert math, date, logic and other functions into the spreadsheet module of a Synthesis Workbook, see Function Wizard - Formulas.

Using the Function Wizard

To open the Function Wizard in Synthesis Workbooks, choose Home > Report > Function Wizard.

Select a function from the navigation panel and enter any required inputs. The following picture shows the most complex configuration as an example. After entering the inputs, click Insert to place the function into the report at the current cursor location. You can move and/or modify the function expression after it has been inserted.

For spreadsheet functions:

For the word processing module:

Selecting a Data Source (if Applicable)

There are two ways to specify the data source:


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