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RENO Flowcharts

ReliaSoft Plot Utilities

Flowchart Plots

Plots can be created and viewed by clicking the Plot icon located on the Simulation page of the control panel for each flowchart.

If you click the Plot icon before the flowchart has been simulated, you will be prompted to simulate the flowchart and then the data will be plotted in the plot sheet. (Note that the Plot icon on the Plot sheet control panel refreshes the plot. If data or settings have been changed since the flowchart was last simulated, you must resimulate before refreshing the plot.)

You can add additional plot sheets to the flowchart by right-clicking the sheet index tabs at the bottom of the window and choosing Insert Simulation Plot on the shortcut menu. You can delete a plot sheet from the flowchart by selecting the plot sheet, right-clicking and choosing Delete Plot.

There are five plot types available in RENO. Not all plot types are available for all simulation settings. In addition, there are restrictions on the types of data that can be plotted on each plot type at each simulation setting.

The Plot Sheet control panel changes depending on the selected plot type and the simulation settings that have been used, so that it is easy for you to meet the requirements for the plot you are generating. When only one item can be plotted on an axis or on a plot, the selection area will be a drop-down list. When multiple items can be plotted, the selection area will be a list with check boxes. You can change the sort order of the list by clicking the Sort List icon to open the Sort List window.

In both cases, the type of each result storage block will be marked in parentheses next to the block name. For those plots where you can plot only single results or only arrays, RENO will display only the result storage blocks of the correct type. For the Result Comparison plot, once you have selected the result storage block for the X-axis, only result storage blocks of the same type (i.e. single-value or array) will be displayed in the selection area for the Y-axis, as you cannot plot single values against arrays.

The Probability plot offers one additional option. You can use the Scale drop-down list to select the scale you would like to use for the plot.


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