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Process Flow Simulation Diagrams

Flow Types

In PFS diagrams, the connectors between blocks are considered to represent pipes. Each pipe carries a specific type of throughput flow, and there may be multiple flow types in a diagram.

To manage the flow types available for use in the diagram, choose Format > Styles > Flow Types.

For each flow type, you will need to specify a name (for future reference) and an abbreviation (used in the diagram, plots and results). In addition, you can specify the same visual properties available for all connectors.

Tip: You can also manage the flow types from the Diagram Style window.

If you want to have the same set of flow types available in other diagrams, use the Diagram Style window to save your settings as a skin. When you apply your skin to a diagram, the application will compare the names of the flow types in your skin to the names of the flow types already in the diagram; if there is a match, the appearance settings will be updated from your skin. In other words, existing flow types will be updated, and any new flow types will be added.


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