Related Topics and Links:

RENO Simulation Window

Flowchart Configurations and Execution

Debugging a Flowchart

RENO's Simulation Debugger is a simple tool that allows you to trace and examine the output of a flowchart by running a step-by-step simulation through each block. You can access the tool by clicking the Debug icon on the control panel of the diagram or by choosing Simulation > Debug.

This opens a window that starts the debugging session. The flowchart being evaluated is displayed in the upper window, while details about the progress of the session are displayed in the bottom window.

Tip: RENO's simulations are based on the properties of the flowchart blocks, RENO resources and the configuration of the flowchart. If your flowchart does not behave as intended, see the Flowchart Configurations and Execution topic for help.

The Debug window includes the following commands:

  Run begins a simulation of the flowchart and displays the result of each step in the simulation. You can control the speed of the simulation and other factors via the Debug Options window.

  Step Into allows you to view one step of the simulation at a time. Each time you click the Step Into command, RENO executes the next step in the flowchart. The current block is highlighted in the flowchart, and the details of the step are displayed. If the next block in the flowchart is a subchart block, the simulation steps inside the subchart to show the details.

  Step Over allows you to execute the subchart in the simulation without stepping inside the subchart.

  Step Out is available only when you are viewing the progress of the simulation of a subchart. It allows you to step out of the subchart and continue the flow of the simulation in the parent flowchart. The subchart will be executed, but that part of the simulation will not be shown.

  Stop halts the simulation.

  Options opens the Debug Options window, which allows you to control how the debug session simulates the flowchart.

 End Session closes the Debug window.


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