Related Topics and Links:

RBD Block Types

Fault Tree Block Types

Flowchart Block Types

PFS Block Types

Block Properties

The Block Properties window allows you to configure the functional properties of any block selected in a diagram. Double-click the block or choose [Diagram/Fault Tree/Markov/Process Flow] > Properties > Block Properties or [Phase/Flowchart] > Settings > Block Properties, depending on the type of diagram you are working with, to open the Block Properties window.

You can also define the properties for multiple blocks simultaneously by selecting the blocks and then opening the Block Properties window. If different types of blocks are selected (e.g., standard and node), only the properties that apply to all selected blocks will be available in the Block Properties window. You cannot open the Block Properties window if there is an ambiguous selection (e.g., if you selected both standard blocks and containers).

Note: Double-clicking a subdiagram or subchart block will open the subdiagram that the block is based on. Open the Block Properties window for a subdiagram or subchart block by selecting the block and choosing the command on the ribbon or pressing CTRL+E.

Regardless of the type of block you are working with, the Block Properties window always has the elements described next. The other properties available will vary depending on the type of block you are working with. Consequently, these properties are documented in the sections relating to the block types.

Note that in BlockSim diagrams an asterisk is used (*) to represent default block names. The block name that is displayed in the diagram will replace the asterisk with the block's default name; this allows the block name to be updated dynamically. The way each block type is named by default is specified in the Default Name Formats window.

For example, by default a node's default name indicates its k-out-of-n value. If you change the value in the node's Number of paths required field, the node's name will automatically update when you close the Block Properties window.


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