Print Preview - Plots and Diagrams

To preview how a plot or diagram will look on the printed page before printing it, click Preview in the Print window; click the Print Preview icon on the plot control panel or choose Home > Print > Print Preview.

Use the toolbar icons to set how many pages to display. You can open the Page Setup window to specify the printing options.

Print Layout

For diagrams in Weibull++, ALTA, BlockSim, RENO, Xfmea, RCM++ and RBI, the Print Layout option allows you to view how a diagram will appear on the printed page. The page orientation (i.e., portrait or landscape) depends on the orientation selected in the Page Setup window. To display the page boundary lines, choose Home > Print > Print Layout.


Everything within the boundary lines will appear on the printed page. Use this to make any necessary adjustments before printing the diagram.

To exit the print layout mode, choose Home > Print > Print Layout.


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