Related Topics and Links:

Data Entry Tips for Functions

Function Wizard - Data Sources

Function Wizard - Formulas

RENO Flowcharts

Using Time Units in RENO

BlockSim and RENO Functions

This section presents detailed descriptions of the predefined and internal functions available in BlockSim and RENO.

RENO Internal Functions

These functions apply only to RENO. They are used to create string expressions to be evaluated in RENO functions and static functions, flowchart standard blocks, or as conditional inputs or outputs for conditional blocks, binary nodes, logic gates and branch gates. You can enter these functions manually or select them from the function selector or the equation editor.

What's Changed? In previous versions, RENO internal functions were known as reserved keywords.

RENO Predefined Functions

These math-related functions apply only to RENO. You can enter these functions manually or select them from the function selector or the equation editor.

Note throughout that although arguments or inputs are shown here separated by a comma and a space for ease of reading, no space should follow the comma in actual use. If your regional settings use a comma as the decimal separator, a semicolon will be used to separate function arguments (e.g., pr_beta(0,3; 8; 10).

What's Changed? In previous versions of the software, the probability and random variable functions were a type of global object known as a "definition." The second example given above is similar to using a random variable definition in the previous version.

Spreadsheet Functions

These functions are available in the Synthesis Workbook's spreadsheet module and in RENO flowcharts.

Syntax: SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS (Data_Src,Result ID,[Phase])

Example: =SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS("Phases!Aircraft",1,2) returns the mean availability (result ID 1) of the system in the phase diagram called “Aircraft” during phase number 2. You do not have to know the result IDs and phase numbers for this function. You can use the input windows provided by the Function Wizard to select the desired result and phase.

Syntax: AVERAGE(Number1,Number2,...)

Example 1: =AVERAGE(10,7,9,27,2) sums the numbers, then divides by 5 to return 11.

Example 2: =AVERAGE(A1:A6) returns the average of the values in cells A1 through A6.

Word Processing Functions

These functions are available in the Synthesis Workbook's word processing module in BlockSim and RENO. To access these functions, use the Function Wizard for data sources. The selected function must first be inserted into the word processing module before you can change its settings.

Format: [PROJECT]

Example: [PROJECT] returns the current project name.

Format: [RELIABILITY(Source Number)(Time)]

Example: [RELIABILITY(1)(1000)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the reliability at 1,000 hours.

Format: [SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS(Source Number)(Result ID)]

Example: =SIM_SYSTEM_RESULTS(1)(1) uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return the mean availability (result ID 1) of the system in the phase diagram. You do not have to know the result ID number for this function. You can use the input windows provided by the Function Wizard to select the desired result.

Format: [TBLREL(Source Number)(Start Time;End Time;Time Increment)]

Example: [TBLREL(1)(100;500;50)] uses the analysis in associated data source 1 to return a table containing calculated system reliability results at 100 hours and every additional 50 hours until 500 hours is reached (i.e., 100, 150, 200, 250, etc.).


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